Sunday, June 15, 2014

Book Review: Friends Forever by Danielle Steel

Caution: You may need a box of Kleenex while reading this.

I finished reading this book a few weeks ago and it was so heart-wrenching, but also so good.
It's the story of five friends: Izzie, Gabby, Billy, Andy, and Sean, who meet in kindergarten and grow up together in an exclusive K-12 school. Throughout the years their friendship strengthens, as does the bond between all the families. They experience tragedy, triumph, and love as they move through their elementary and high school years.
When the five of them graduate, they each take very different paths, unsure of their future and what tolls their friendship will take. And there are a lot of tolls. There isn't much I can say without spoiling it for you guys but what I will say is that the plot twists and things happen so suddenly that you'll probably need to reread some parts to process the events.
Towards the end of the story, the perspective changes. Until then it has jumped around between all five of the friends, but it switches to Izzie's perspective. She struggles with what her friends have faced and are facing, and wishes they would return home and be safe. I found that I related to this character a lot because I have five close friends and I want us all to stay friends and never grow apart no matter what. If anything happened to them, I would be devastated, like Izzie was when tragedy struck.
What I liked about this book was how each friend had different interests and life paths. I also enjoyed learning about the friendships between the families as time passed- their friendship grew simultaneously with that of their children.
All in all this book made me realize how lucky I am to have such amazing friends, and how the bonds between friends can always grow, no matter what age or where life takes them.

Did you read this book? What did you think?

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